Author Archives: beeminor

Music Moments – Ron Pope

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First off, I do not know how I am stull functioning. I was up at 7am to make a Christening cake after only 4 hours sleep. Then I drove to the other side of the country (which sounds impressive, but when you live in Ireland it’s not really) and have been traveling all day.

But alas, I wanted to do a quick post about one of my favourite singer/songwriters of this generation.


Ron Pope is a 29 year old singer/songwriter Atlanta, Georgia. He is, as far as I am concerned, one of the most under-rated singers ever. Despite having a whopping 10 albums released, Ron Pope has only seen mild success, particularily with what may be considered his most popular song, ‘A Drop In The Ocean’ which was featured in television shows such as 90210 and The Vampire Diaries.

Seriously, if you appreciate good music, you should check this guy out. You won’t regret it.

I have been a fan of Ron Pope’s now for about 5 years or so. I would tweet him every now and then on twitter asking him if he could come to Ireland for a gig…

ron pope twitter

First off, it is so nice that he actually replies to tweets, very nice guy.

Secondly, Ron Pope actually came to Ireland for a gig (I think it was sometime last year) which is a pretty big deal for a relatively unknown American artist (seriously even the likes of Demi Lovato hasn’t done a concert in Ireland yet, just to put things into perspective!) and guess what? I couldn’t go! I was devastated but alas I will see him perform someday.


So here are some of my favourite songs by Ron Pope that I highly recommend you check out:

  • Tightrope
  • I Believe
  • Wherever You Go
  • You’re The Reason I Come Home
  • Fireflies
  • I’m Yours

I really could go on but I shan’t.

If you do check him out, please let me know what songs you like!

– Bee


Ron Pope’s Twitter:


Work In Progress

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First off, I am terribly sorry for the lack of posts of recent.

There are many reasons for this, the main one being I am having trouble with my laptop. I have to replace the charger which is proving more difficult than I’d have hoped.


Alas today’s post is not much of a post either, at least is not the post I wanted to talk about.

I’ve been painting for the past three days and basically hated everything I have produced.

Today for example, I started painting my Demi Lovato – Heart Attack painting, absolutely hated how it was shaping out, so started a new painting inspired by Tangled.

Again, hated how it was turning out so went back to my Demi painting. Still not impressed, I decided to finish off a Freddie Mercury painting I started three years ago and abandoned.

Turns out there was a reason I abandoned it. So surprise, surprise I didn’t finish that one either and yet again went back to my Demi painting.

While I’m still not happy with it, I am determined to stick with it.

This is what it looks like so far. Please note it is still a work in progress and needs a lot more work. But I still would appreciate any feedback you may have.

Oh and that little penguin beside it is actually my phone, just wanted it there so you could get a feel for how big the painting is.


In other news, I got two new pet goldfish, which I’ve named Simon & Garfunkel.

– Bee

Painting Materials: What I Use

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About a month ago, I wrote a blog post describing what materials I use in my drawings (since I get asked so much what materials I use). So I thought I may as well go ahead and write a blog post describing what painting materials I use, in the hope that it may be somewhat helpful.

Paint Brushes


Seeing as this is probably the more detailed category I will be describing, I may as well talk about it first.

Now when it comes to paint brushes, I’m not too pushed when it comes to paying big money for a “high quality” brush. Overall, if you take care of your brushes (i.e. wash them thoroughly after use etc.) they should last you a long time. Over the years I have acquired quite a collection of paint brushes ranging from good quality Daler~Rowney brushes, to cheap brushes you can get at the euro shop. While the Daler~Rowney brushes are obviously better quality, there is little difference in the overall outcome of your painting, in my opinion.

Now I feel I should add, I do not recommend you buy your paint brushes from a euro shop, the quality of these aren’t great and the bristles fall out very easily, which can ruin a painting. But you can buy good cheap brushes very easily if you search around for them.

There are several different shaped brushes, each carrying out their own function, as detailed below.


  • Round – These brushes are great for detail due to the pointed tip.
  • Flat – I generally use these brushes for spreading paint. Their shape allows paint to be applied evenly across the surface.
  • Bright – These are similar to flat brushed in shape, but have shorter bristles which basically means they are stiffer than flats. I like to use the to get a straight edge in my painting.
  • Filbert – These are basically flat brushed except they have a curved “c shape” top. Like flat brushes, are good for spreading paint, but also similar to round brushes in that they are also good for detail work.
  • Fan – I love using fan brushes in painting but unfortunately I destroyed mine after one of my oil paintings haha. These brushes again are great for spreading paint. They also work great for painting grass (just something I noticed).
  • Angle – Good for spreading paint and detail work.
  • Mop – Mops are generally a large softer brush. I like to use these for spreading paint over large areas without the fear of leaving paint brush lines on my painting.
  • Rigger – Personally, I don’t really like riggers and generally stay away from them. They have long rounded bristles which are great for painting lines, but overall I find them hard to control.


As well as different shape brushes, you can also get brushes with different bristles.

  • Synthetic Bristles – These brushes (pictured above on the far left) are typically made from nylon or polyester. These are probably my favourite brush to use.
  • Soft Hair Bristles – As the name suggests, these brushes (pictured above in the middle) are made from various animal hair. Typically they are made from weasel, ox, and horse hair but sometimes they can also be made from squirrel and goat hair also.
  • Hog Bristles – Again as the name suggests, these brushed (pictured above on the far right) are made from pig hair. These bristles are much more stiff (and therefore stronger) than the previously mentioned bristles. I use these in practically every painting I do, however, they do sometimes leave stroke lines on my painting which I do not like.


Obviously you cannot do a painting without paint. These are the paints I like to use;



This is my most used type of paint. Acrylics dry quite quickly, and can also be diluted with water. I highly recommend these to a beginner painter.



I got these for Christmas and really didn’t know much about this type of paint. After a bit of investigating, I discovered that Gouache paint is quite similar to watercolour paint, however gives an opaque finish. I actually used a lot of Gouache paint in my Harry Potter vs Lord Voldemort painting and was pleased with how the paint looked.



There is a big taboo around oil paints, and with good reason. When I was gifted my first set of oil paints (only about 2 years ago), I thought  to myself, ‘I will never use these. Oil paints are for artists like Da Vinci and Michelangelo’. But naturally I was intrigued to see whether I could actually make an oil painting or not, and to my delight could (Well I could attempt it anyways!). The great (and bad) thing about oil paints is they dry very slowly, meaning you can walk away and leave your painting for a day or two, and still go back to it with the paint wet. The scary thing about oil paint though, is it can crack very easily if proper care is not taken.

Something you will need to invest in if you are wanting to start oil painting, is a drying oil, such as linseed (pictured below). This will not only help the painting dry faster, it will also thin out the paint, making it easier to apply.


Other Tools

Some other tools I use in my paintings include;

  • Water Spray Bottle – this is useful particularly in acrylics to stop the paint drying as quickly. (My bottle is covered in purple paint!)


  • Easel – this comes in very handy for supporting and basically holding paintings in place while you work on them. My easel actually folds into a briefcase-type devise which allows for storage of art supplies also.


  • Palette – goes without saying really, palette for paints and mixing paints.


  • Canvas – I like to buy blank canvases, but they can be rather expensive. An alternate option is to buy canvas sheets and make your own frames. I both buy canvases, and make my own.


That pretty much sums up what I like to use in my paintings.

I hope this has proved somewhat helpful.

If you would like to see what materials I use for drawing, I will link my blogpost here,

– Bee

Harry Potter VS Lord Voldemort (Deathly Hallows Painting)

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Harry 01

Good morrow reader,

So I have spent the past three days painting a picture of the Deathly Hallows Part 2 poster, which illustrates Harry Potter vs Lord Voldemort. I am sure you have all seen this poster, it was everywhere in 2011 (and with good reason).

While I am overall happy with how this painting turned out, the result was not met without a bit of pain…actually alot of pain really. This painting was done on a 45x61cm canvas sheet (which is quite big really) and seeing as I have a very small desk, I was forced to work on the floor, and ultimately ended up pulling a muscle in my shoulder 😦

But alas it was worth it. The painting took me 3 days to complete and was done using mainly acrylics. If you have any other questions about the process please feel free to comment below and I’ll get back to you.

I will leave you now a link to the video of the painting process which I have posted to my youtube.

Please let me know what you think, thanks!

– Bee

Music Moments: Gabrielle Aplin

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My iPod recently got wiped. All my music, videos, audiobooks, everything gone. So I was purchasing new music when I was updating it, including music from the beautiful Gabrielle Aplin and thought it was a good opportunity to write a blog post about her.

Gabrielle Aplin is new to the music scene and as far as I am aware, is relatively unknown. She is a 20 year-old singer/songwriter from Wiltshire (South West England).

Gabrielle caught the attention of many viewers (including myself) when she began posting videos to her youtube channel ( in 2008 of covers such as Paramore’s ‘That’s What You Get’, The Killer’s ‘Mr. Brightside’, Kings Of Leon’s ‘Use Somebody’, etc.

Gabrielle’s youtube channel now has just under 90,000 subscribers, and almost 18 million video views!

From 2008-2012, Gabrielle released three EP’s which were well received with her audience and in February 2012, she announced she was signed on to Parlaphone and was recording her debut album.

Also in 2012, it was announced that Gabrielle would cover Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s classic hit ‘The Power Of Love’ for the annual John Lewis Christmas advert. If you are unaware as to what John Lewis is, it’s an English retailers, and to land the spot of doing the music for their Christmas advert is a pretty big deal for an up and coming artist.

I am in love with this girl’s voice! It’s so refreshing to see a young girl hit the music scene who is not scantily dressed in next to nothing, flaunting her sexuality. Instead Gabrielle Aplin displays her true talent of singing and songwriting. Mark my words, this girl is going places.

Her debut album ‘English Rain’ is coming out May 13th (day before my birthday…I know what I’m buying myself!) and I cannot wait to listen to all the songs. There is actually a 90 second preview of all songs from the album on Gabrielle’s website which I will link below.

I will leave you now with Gabrielle’s next single, entitled ‘Panic Cord’. (I also recommend you check out ‘Please Don’t Say You Love Me’, ‘Home’, and ‘Salvation’. All such beautiful songs, all written by the lovely Miss Gabrielle Aplin herself).

Seriously, check this girl out, you won’t regret it!


– Bee

Gabrielle’s youtube page:

Gabrielle’s twitter:

Gabrielle’s website: